Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Lost Key

Merry and her younger sister was going home from school. They went passed a playground. Her younger sister suggested to play a while in the playground. Merry said: " OK ". After half an hour later they were hungry so, they went home, Merry reached into her pocket for her key. It was gone. Her younger sister was so worried that she cried loudly. Her neighbour, Mrs Lee head Merry younger sister crying. She open the door and ask: " What is happening ". Merry told everything to Mrs Lee. Mrs Lee told Merry and her younger sister went back to the playground and searched everywhere in the playground. They searched everywhere. Finally they found the key in the send. They tanked Mrs Lee for helping them.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Puppy

Tom and his father were jogging in the park. When they were jogging near a big tree they heard some noise. They walked where the noise came from.

They found a puppy.His father examined the puppy. It was hunt. They found out the puppy leg was bleeding painfully.

They did not want to leave the puppy. They took it home and put it in a big box. His father told Tom he would take the puppy to the vet next day.

The Honest Driver

Mr Lee is my neighbour. He works as a bus driver. One late night, Mr Lee was cleaning up his bus after work.
Mr Lee saw a black bag under a seat. He picked it up and went to the office to report it. Then he returned to the bus and continued his cleaning.
Half an hour later, a woman went to the bus company and claimed the black bag. The staff and the woman went to the bus depot to look for Mr Lee. The woman thanked Mr Lee and said that he was an honest driver.